Oklahoma’s Masonic Lodge in Moore
Moore Lodge #539 has been serving it’s members and community since it’s charter in 1954. Our lodge along with all Freemasons share a common bond, and common values. We pride ourselves on development of the individual member, which in turn helps our community.
Our membership consists of a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds and skills.
If you are interested in joining, or want more information, contact us.
Meeting Info
Business Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 7 PM
A meal and fellowship begins at 6 PM prior to Business Meetings
School of Instruction: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 AM
Degree Practice: Thursdays 6 PM
Dress Code
Our lodge does not have a formal dress code. Though some lodges do require a coat and tie for their meetings, many of our members tend to come to Lodge right after work and may still be in their work clothes. We do however request that if you are attending our meeting, please dress as you feel is appropriate for the occasion.
Schools of Instruction and Degree Practices are very informal, and you are welcome to wear whatever you feel appropriate.